Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Husband, Super Dad!

I'm supposed to be prepping out a case study presentation that I have to do for my clinical group tomorrow, but I just had to take a couple of minutes to blog about the amazing man I'm married to. On Tuesdays, I leave in the afternoon to go to school and Chris comes home early from work to take the kids and meet Laine at the bus stop. In between lab and lecture tonight, I called home to check on things. Not only was Chris watching our kids, but he had like 6 neighbor kids over as well and I could hardly hear him over all the fun and laughter going on in the background. When I got home, he already had James fast asleep in his bed and was reading with the girls to get them ready to sleep. He's just so amazing and takes care of everything. This morning, he got up, packed Laine's lunch and got her off to the bus stop. Every day, he uncomplainingly and in fact, smilingly, plays with the kids, teaching them new things, reads to them, teaches them to read to him, makes their meals, gives them baths, washes their clothes, and tucks them in at night. Oh, and did I mention he's our primary breadwinner too? Oh and he's been to every soccer game, taken sick kids to doctor's appointments, been the back-to-school night dad, and done a million other things. Babe, you're the best. Thanks for everything.
I wish you could see James's face in this picture. He's so happy when his Dada reads to him.


Kirsten said...

What a great daddy! The kids are as lucky as you to have him.

Christian said...

Totally untrue. I feed the kids gruel and make them work in the salt mines.

Unknown said...

Ooh, the salt mines. That's a nasty place to get a cut.

Allison said...

I am seriously impressed.

Anonymous said...

What a great team you are!
Love you all,
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Whouda thunk my cousin who used to make his brothers go to la-la land could make me so proud?!
You guys are awesome!