Sunday, September 14, 2008

They're supposed to be asleep!

But instead, they're talking nonsense and having the time of their lives:

Eve: My face looks so automatically cute!
Laine: HAhaha let's hide!
Eve: I seeeeee youuuuuu OW!
Laine: Sorry! I'm very very sorry. I wish my name were A-E-I-O-U then it could be aaeeeiooo
Eve: Yeah and I wish my name were A-E-I-O-U-Y
Laine: Yeah and I wish my name was A-E-I-O-U-Y
Eve: Yeah then we could be twins. Hey, and do I look cute in these pajamas?
Laine: Here, I'm gonna whisper something in your ear. *whisper* *giggles* now don't tell that to anyone else.
Eve: *whisper* HEHEHEHE Now don't tell that to anyone else.
*more whispers*
Eve: That was a funny whisper! Let me whisper something in your ear!
Laine: Come here, I'll whisper something in your ear.
Eve: No, I want it to be the end.
Laine: No! I want it to be more.
Eve: Fine, one more whisper.
*whisper whisper whisper*
Laine: You said it was time for a party in the night time. Ok let me give my last whisper to you!
Eve: I can't believe you said I'm an eyeball-head!! That was so funny!
Laine: Ok I'll whisper one last or maybe two last jokes in your year. Ok how 'bout one more.
Eve: I'm not a flower head. I want to tell you a joke not in your ear. Why did the cock-a-doodle-doo crawl in the window and broked my sign that says 'Do not wet the bed' and turn into a giant monster?
Both: *laughing too hysterically to deliver the punchline*
Laine: Let's read the book "The boy who loves dumplings."
Eve: Help! Help! I lost my dress! Hehehee I live in a treehouse! Hehehehe I lost my mommy on an outing. hehehehe Was that funny?
Laine: No. Let's do one, two, buckle my shoe taking turns. I want to say the part that goes "Three, four, shut the door" so that means you have to start.
Eve: One, two buckle my shoe
Laine: Three, four, shut the door
Eve: Five, six, pick up sticks
Laine: Seven, eight, lay them straight
Eve: Nine, Ten, do it again!
Laine: Yeah, except let's not do it again.
Eve: Okay, nine, ten, don't do it again!
Laine: Do you want me to make you a bed?
Eve: Okay!!! Make one for my pretend friend too
Laine: Ok, I'm gonna make it right here on the floor and your pretend friend's is gonna be right over here. Does the bed fit you?
Eve: Umm, yeah but my pretend friend says she wants to snuggle me, so..
Laine: Eve! Just don't listen to your pretend friend, alright? Listen to me. I'm making your bed cozy.
Eve: Umm well my pretend friend says she's gonna die if she doesn't snuggle me.
Laine: Oh, well that's good because you don't like her, right?
Eve: NO! That's bad because I do like her! My pretend friend is gonna die if she doesn't have me, the queen of sleep, snuggle her.
Laine: Oooh I like the jewels of your queen of sleep crown!
Eve: Don't touch my jewels!!
Laine: You're not the boss of me! Please can I touch just one of them?
Eve: You just touched the not-sister-liking square. Now I don't like you.
Laine: *touch* How 'bout now?
Eve: Oh, yes! You touched the extra sister-liking jewel. Now I like you a lot!


Doug said...

That's hilarious. I love it.

Anonymous said...

classic! we laughed and laughed. Hope all is well

Anonymous said...

Hi C&C,
I loved this blog! I think you have a total talent for this stuff! I wish I could get to know your kids better. I'll keep checking on you guys!
Cuzzin Kelly

Amy said...

I wish a child's cuteness could be bottled for those "off-times" when I want to scream at them...maybe I need to carry around a picture of them asleep and do some deep breathing exercises when I'm mad. Or sometimes I just read your blog and laugh!! Thanks

Kirsten said...

It makes me wish that my bedtime was filled with such wildly imaginative flights of fancy. And silliness. I miss those girls.

Patricia said...

you REMEMBERED all that?!

Christine said...

No way! I was typing sitting in my chair in my bedroom across the hall from theirs typing it as they were saying it. I do that sometimes as a form of entertainment. The more tired they are, the sillier the conversations get.

Anonymous said...

Those are amazingly creative girls. Love their thinking and conversation.