Friday, September 12, 2008

We're OK

The edge of one of those hurricaney things last week brushed by our neighborhood. It rained for a day and a night and a day and it was real windy, but we hunkered down inside for most of it and we were just fine. We did lose phone and internet for about three days, which was real rough, but compared to folks who had their houses blow away I guess we did alright.

Laine is still going to kindergarten, but she plans to drop out any day now, except on the days when she really, really, really, really likes going to kindergarten. She did get busted for laying too many smooches on one of the boys in her class, she probably would have gotten away with it but he was crying for help while she was all over him. At least she still hasn't been sent to the principal's office. Any day now though.

The other kids are doing great, they're enjoying the bonus mom attention while Laine is away at school. Christine got them a fun Noah's Ark play set, with a boat and a whole slew of wooden animals that they play with all day. James is getting quite a few of the animal sounds down and likes to roar a lot. He's still not much for people sounds like words yet though.

Anyway, it's my birthday, happy birthday to me.


Kirsten said...

We're glad you survived the storm. We're also glad Laine is carefully walking the line of getting into just enough trouble.

Also, happy birthday Chris! We love and miss you all.

Nic said...

Happy Birthday Chris!

Unknown said...

Hey smoochie birthday boy. I wonder where Laine learned how to be so smoochy. I'm glad that the storm didn't get you too bad, but loosing internet is tough stuff. Whenever the power goes off here I always forget how much is run by electricity and how convenient it is. Anyways, Happy B-Day and keep that kid going to school.