Friday, August 22, 2008

Six years of truly, madly, deeply

We celebrated our six year anniversary tonight with a date out to a nice Lebanese restaurant in Tyson's Corner. For those who don't have the benefit of living in the DC area, that's a very upscale shopping district just outside the beltway on the Virginia side. For some reason we can't figure out, it doesn't feel like we've been married for six years. For me, it's pretty clear we've been married forever, since I can't remember a time when we weren't together. Christine tells me that can't possibly be the case, since we still feel and act like newlyweds we must have been married just last week.

After we got home, we let Laine play photographer and get some shots so we can always remember how crazy in love we still were after six years. I think we look pretty good, except for that silly looking guy in the blue shirt.


Christine said...

Babe, you're a rockstar. I'll always be in love with you.

Lonnie and Bob Bradley said...

We think you guys are a pretty cute couple, and that Laine is a great little photographer. We're so glad that you found each other and are happy together. Happy anniversary!
Mom and Dad

Nikki said...

Christie, you are such a babe! Congratulations on 6 years you guys!

Jen said...

I cant believe its been 6 years-seems like yesterday you told me you were engaged!!

Unknown said...

Wow, six years sure has gone by in a hurry! I think the first time I met you was on your wedding day. Congratulations, you two.