Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Laine's Experiment

Yesterday, Laine thought of a little experiment she wanted to do all on her own. She had a cup of ice and she wanted to see if it would melt faster if she put it outside in the sun. So she took her little cup of ice and left it out on the back deck.Well, she forgot about it until today and when she went out to check on it, all that was left was a few drops of water in the bottom of the cup. When I asked her what she thought happened to the melted ice, she responded, "Uhhh... Problee a raccoon drank it." So we had a little learning moment about evaporation.
James thought it was great.
Also, lately the girls have thought that it's a lot of fun to make home videos. Here's a sample of what our budding cinematographers are up to. Mostly, I delete them because they're just as absurd as the clip below, but I save a few of them so that they can look back and see just how ridiculous they are.


Nikki said...

I love Laine's experiment! What a great learning opportunity. Also, I think Eve's hair looked adorable in those pig tails! Oh how I want a little girl!

Lonnie and Bob Bradley said...

We want more, more, more!
We've got the cutest grandkids on the planet. And smart and funny too. Love you,
Grandma and Grandpa