Saturday, November 24, 2007

Three cheers for portable DVD players!!!

We just got back from an exciting Thanksgiving weekend in Rochester, New York with Mel, Michael, Sam and Simon. What a party we had! It was about a 7 hour drive each way, and we had a surprisingly great time! John and Nikki let us borrow their DVD player (Thank you SO much!) so the girls watched shows for the majority of the trip, while James slept and cooed happily, while Chris and I got to talk and read to each other. When we got there, the cousins played. Michael built the most amazing carboard box castle that you have ever seen in your whole life in their basement, so they had lots of fun in that. We have a fabulous meal with turkey, salad, asparagus, rolls, sweet potato souffle, stuffing, and mashed potatoes. For dessert, we feasted on pumkpin pie and blueberry pie. Yum! The next day, we helped Mel and Michael pick out their Christmas tree. Santa even parachuted down during the tree cutting event. Other highlights from the trip included sleeping in a bed (thanks Mel and Michael for letting us swipe your bed!), an accordion dance party, movie night, and grown up board games after the kids finally went to sleep. You guys should visit M&M. They are superbs hosts. Happy Thanksgiving!


The Toy Snob said...

Looks like you guys had a great time, do you have any pics of the castle? James was telling us all about it! I'm so glad the DVD player did the trick for the girls, road trips are no fun with screaming kids!

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for portable DVD players is very usefull in our daily lifes and make a day very happy.I like it very much.