Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Potty training woes

The main thing we've been working on since we moved here is getting Eve potty trained. She promised us: "I will be a potty train after we move to Furginia" but she still shows only mininal interest even after we bought her a "royal potty" that plays a majestical tune when deposits are made into the throne and when tempted with M&Ms and adorable underpants. Laine has been really helpful in showing Eve the ropes. Earlier today there was a conversation that went like this:

"Eve, do you want me to show you how to be a potty train?"

"Umm Okay!"

"Alright, when you get a feeling in your body like you're gonna make a pee-pee or a poo-poo, you run to the potty. Then you sit for a while until it comes out. Afterwards, you use toilet paper like this. See how I'm using the toilet paper?"

"Ummm yup!"

"Okay, then you flush the toilet, and you can't forget to wash your hands, okay?"

But despite the attempts, Eve just doesn't care. The prizes aren't tempting enough. The threats aren't scary enough. She just wants to wear diapers for the rest of her life. She told me she will be a potty train when she turns 9. What's wrong with her?! Laine didn't do this. She was so excited. Remember that time during Sunday dinner when she was so excited to show off her new skills that she brought her potty out into the living room, pulled her pants down, peed in front of the whole family, and grinned ear-to-ear during the applause? Any thoughts for what to do?

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