Saturday, November 17, 2007

Monumental Fussing

We had fun on our outing today. Really, we did. But Laine and Eve are 4 and 3 so between the Natural History Museum and the Art museum, there was a big session of "We're so tired. We never want to do anything fun again. This is too hard. We just want to go home to Virginia. I'm bored. I want to yell!" They cheered up when they saw the ice skaters. They could have stood on the edge of the rink watching people ice skate forever. They also appreciated the Smithsonian castle. We're gonna have to do many Saturday trips down here before we come even close to seeing everything there is to see. A lot of the museum stuff isn't any fun unless you're literate, so the museum of Natural History is really the best attraction for kids. Dinosaurs, gems, prehistoric mammals, what more could a kid want?

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