Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We sure had a fun and exciting Halloween around here. First, we went to Laine's school to see her Halloween parade. The kindergarteners were asked to dress like a character from a book and bring the book with them for the parade. Eve and James went to the parade dressed in their Halloween costumes. Here's my fierce Jedi knight.
And my lovely fall fairy princess.The parade was great. Laine went as Fancy Nancy.
That's what her mild-mannered alter ego calls herself, anyway. By night, she's really Supergirl!
Here, our little Yoda boy has a snack before going out for his big Halloween adventure.First, all three kids went around our little cul-de-sac.Then Chris dropped James off with me and took the girls trick-or-treating for a few more streets.Yoda and I passed out candy and hung out. The girls came home with tons of loot! Hope your Halloween was as fun as ours.


Doug said...

Cute James is... yes. Mmmmm. Strong the Force is with him. Proud you must be.

Taylor and Natalie Hathcock said...

Hey you guys! Your kids look so CUTE! I miss all of you. You need to come visit us in utah soon! I am finally a blogger so check us out. I hope I made you proud Christine. :)

Silvia said...

Christine, you sound different!!! I loved the video, James is huge!!!! Well, compared to the last time I saw him (at Natalie's bridal shower)... ehehehe! Cute costumes!