Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Monkeys Make Monkey Bread

Chris is totally the funnest dad. Tonight after James went to bed, he organized a monkey bread making assembly line and he and the underpants brigade made two loaves of ooey gooey fabulous monkey bread.
This morning, an unprecedented event occurred. The kids let us sleep in until 10:30! Chris was late for work. James had woken up at his usual time of 5:45, but I snuggled him and fell asleep and then Laine must have come in and taken him away to play with their castle or something. This has never happened before! We usually don't set alarms because we've always been able to count on them to get us up at an unreasonable hour. It felt soooooo good to sleep in.

We spent the afternoon playing pretending game after pretending game. The games included "Toad Family, Toad Friends," "Dr. Laine Gets an Owie," and "The Royal Puppy Meets Princesses." They can be so silly. Oh, yesterday Laine was really fussy and was yelling for like 45 minutes. While I was trying to work with Laine, Eve went and got the phone and called Chris to gleefully tattle on Laine. This made Laine furious and she swiped the phone from Eve and called Chris back to tattle on Eve for being a tattle tale. Then Eve was in hysterics because she thought Chris would side with Laine and give her a spanking. Then everyone was having a fit except for James. We have our good days and bad days around here.


Allison said...

I haven't read any blogs in a while and man is yours full of good stuff.

Unknown said...

Chris, will you adopt me? I really like monkey bread and I think that we would be a good match. Plus I have an income too, that's way better than what your existing kids are offering. Think about it...

Amy said...

I haven't had monkey bread for YEARS! YUM in the tum! From the looks of things, it has been a good move to go across the country and live, eh? We miss ya here, but love to keep in touch and be "virtual neighbors". I'm also glad to hear that someone else's baby boys wake them up at the break of dawn! Erin never did that, but she is more like her dad than my boys are! I just made those peanut butter cookies you brought me in the hospital and thought of you and how wonderful it was to have you there! Thanks for the great recipe!

Nikki said...

It's the BEST when they'll let you sleep in. Seems like we always wake up to a mess though...milk on the living room carpet, yogurt on the living room carpet, orange juice on the living room carpet, more milk on the living room carpet. Yeah, I finally got fridge locks a couple weeks ago! It's saved me from steam vaccing every other day.