Wednesday, July 23, 2008

James is Getting Smarter

For a while, we were worried that James would never talk or communicate in ways other than smiling and grunting. However, in the last month or so he's really made significant progress in his communication skills. We've just figured that boys are a bit slower than girls in this area, but we're thrilled that he's learning to talk and that he's such a cute wonderful, loving boy. Lately, when asked to identify his body parts, he's gotten his hair, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, fingers, belly button and toes correct about 80% of the time. More importantly, he is almost always able to correctly answer the important question I ask him in this video.Here's a picture of James getting mad at Laine for trying to take away his book. He's learning to fight back. Not sure if that's a good thing.

And here, our little boy enjoys a scalp massage from Eve. His listening comprehension skills have really gotten better. It's so cute, every time I say I'm going to take a shower, he grins, claps his hands, and runs to the bathtub and climbs in. When I say, "James, you need to take your clothes off first," he looks at me sort of curiously and then starts tugging at his clothes. Also, if you say "James, did you do a poo-poo?" He peers down the front of his pants, gives you a satisfied grin, and confirms, "Po popo po" while patting his little bum. How could you not love this little guy?


Nikki said...

From the look of the pose he's doing before the video starts I thought you were going to ask him where his wee-wee is! Looks like he's just a classic boy grabbing at his parts! JK

Kirsten said...

I can't wait until I can start brainwashing Atticus in such a way. So cute!

Unknown said...

I think that he's pretty awesome even if he does have toes on his stomache. Weird genetic defect that. To answer your question, I am not taking any summer classes. I am taking 16 credit hours this fall though. (Go me!)