Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's Out

A couple of weeks back, Laine discovered to her delight that one of her teeth had turned wiggly on her. Pretty much every day since she's been asking if her tooth was ready to come out yet and regaling us with stories of how fun it will be to have her shiny new big-girl teeth. So on Monday we noticed it was just about ready to pop out, and I offered to give it a yank with a pair of pliers. Laine was sure that would hurt a lot, so she didn't go for it. Didn't go for Mom's offer to snag it with a loop of string either. Just as well, if she'd gone for it we wouldn't have been able to get any good pictures featuring the floppy front tooth.

Laine just loves the extreme close-ups.

So here's the little guy the next day, out all by itself with no help. I thought the tooth fairy should bring a quarter, Christine thought she should bring a billion dollars plus the contents of a toy store and the cosmetics counter at the the department store. We settled on a buck.

And here's our little buddy, a buck richer and a whole lot sillier looking.

The other kids are still cute too, we didn't forget them in all the toothy excitement.

James has magic powers to know when the camera is about to shoot, and cleverly turns his head almost every time. Here's one of the few where you can actually see part of his face.


Nikki said...

OH, she looks so proud and big-girlish. Marshall is now very worried about his own teeth falling out!

Lonnie and Bob Bradley said...

You are soooooo ready for Kindergarten now! All the kids in my class have lost teeth and have great stories to tell about them.
Way to go!
I love you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Laine!!! I love you!
