Sunday, July 27, 2008

You're so vain, you probably think this sign is about you

So the other day, we went to check out some stuff at IKEA and came home with this chalkboard that you put on the wall where you can stash your mail and write reminders on the board and stuff. After the kids went to bed, we hung it up and Chris wrote a little note for me that said "I love you Beauty." The next morning, the girls woke up and crawled into bed with us and said, "Um, so we saw the sign that Dad wrote, but he accidentally forgot that he has three beauties not just one, plus he has a beautiful boy. But you don't have to worry because we fixed his sign."
As promised, when I went downstairs, the sign had been fixed with an additional "s" and some chalk scribbles. What a hoot. This weekend, we did some fun things. We went to Chris's company picnic and had some food and fun. Eve zonked out on the way there.
Here's James rocking out on the swing. He's my happy little love. He was the center of attention at the picnic. This boy can win over anybody's heart.
After the picnic, I took the girls on a little mommy daughter outing. We had some ice cream and then stopped at the carnival going on at the local high school.
The kids really liked going on the speedboat ride.

There's not a whole lot else to report. I can't remember if I mentioned earlier that Laine lost her other front bottom tooth, so now she has a gaping hole in her mouth and a slight lisp. She thinks it's great that she can drink through a straw with her teeth shut. Eve's reading away as always and Laine's actually been making more frequent attempts to read, which is great. James is a snuggly bundle of love who likes to give kisses.


Kirsten said...

That was awfully forgetful of Chris. I'm glad the girls corrected the error.

Nikki said...

I love the title to your post! How cute that they fixed it.