Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ok Kids, Time for Night Night

Bedtime is a much anticipated time at our house. Well, for the parents anyway. I look forward to bedtime for many reasons. Like for example, I can't wait to check my e-mail without someone banging on the keyboard and trying to close my laptop as I type. Also, I can eat without having the bite of food stolen from my fork on its way to my mouth. Perhaps the best part about night time is peeing with the door closed. These are just a few of the many reasons that we (and by me, I mean Chris) are so willing to put up with the stress and nonsense that comes with bedtime.James is a good boy at bedtime (and at pretty much all times). He doesn't like to nap, so by the end of the day he's exhausted. Sometimes he'll whimper for a minute while Chris carries him up the stairs, but usually he waves good night, folds his hands for a little prayer, and zonks out. Tonight he fell asleep with his Sunday shirt on.
The girls are a whole nother story. They will do annnyyyything to get to stay up later and play. If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile, which is why Chris has always been the boss of the bedtime. He rules with a firm hand, and this results in slightly less craziness. He usually lets them read a little bit before bed as long as they brush their teeth in a timely manner. They really like this, but it can get out of hand. Lately, they've been sleeping in the basement guest bedroom to beat the heat, and the other night, Chris heard a horrible sound like a flock of seagulls gone mad. He goes to check it out and the girls had invented a game called "Scream Reading." Instead of reading the words in a normal voice, yup you guessed it, you scream them while the other child has a fit of giggles.
Oh, I almost forgot I have some sad news. Laine's two front bottom teeth are loose!!! =*( I'm so sad. I thought I had at least another year before she started losing teeth and looking all goobery. I'm too young to be a tooth fairy! I'm going to take a lot of pictures this week so that we can remember Laine with all her little baby teeth.


Kirsten said...

Scream Reading is a hilarious and fantastic idea. You'll be glad you've recorded so many of these funny creative things they do. They'll love to read about this stuff when they are older. Or you can embarrass them with it...

Allison said...

Goobery. Love the description. And scream reading, clever. I love your stories. Keep them coming.

Nikki said...

Scream Reading - love it!

Anonymous said...


You should send me those books. That would be Awesome!

Your best brother,
