Monday, May 5, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

The girls are getting very excited for our upcoming trip to Salt Lake. They were telling me all about how they were going to fly in an airplane and which stuffed animals they wanted to bring. Hopefully this flight will go better than last time, when we had to drag Eve kicking and screaming across the tarmac at JFK because she and Laine got in a fight over who got to wear the travelling backpack just as the boarding line called our group up. Thanks goodness for direct flights this time.

On Saturday the girls and I went on a special outing to the store to get notebooks for a new scientific endeavor. The girls will be cataloging in words and pictures the plants and animals they find in the woods behind our house. Laine so far has a caterpillar and a squirrel drawn in her notebook, and Eve drew a flower but somehow it ended up on a loose paper on the desk instead of in her special notebook that we just got for her to draw it in. The drawing took about 5 minutes. Then they got bored of drawing and played with the gravel next to the back porch for about 3 hours. Sometimes it's tough to tell what will keep their attention.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing all our friends and family in Salt Lake this weekend. See you there.

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