Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

As the weather has been warming up, we've been spending more and more time outdoors exploring the parks and playgrounds in the area. Today, since it was Memorial Day, Chris took the day off of work and we hung out, played, ate, and got a few errands done.

You would be so proud of James. He's been so mobile and brave lately. The other day, we were at the little playground in our neighborhood and he climbed all the way up the steps, got to the slide, turned on to his tummy and slid down the big twisty slide all by himself without any help. He did cry when he got to the bottom, but he immediately did it again and again so I don't think he minded too much. Just the first two times sort of scared him. Now if only we could get him to say a word besides Mmmaammommummm.Laine's a regular playground pro. She's really psyched about kindergarten. In two weeks, she has a special orientation where she gets to ride the bus and everything. She can't wait.Eve is so funny. When they're not fighting, Laine and Eve say the funniest things to each other at bed time and while driving around in the car. For example, we went out to lunch today and their conversation went like this:

Laine: Eve, will you promise me something?

Eve: Maybe. What's the promise?

Laine: A pinky promise.

Eve: Nope.

Laine: What about a thumb promise then? Would you promise me a thumb promise?

Eve: No, I won't promise you a thumb promise.

Laine: Middle finger promises, then?!

Eve: All right, all right, I'll middle finger promise with you.

Then they hook middle fingers and shake. Later, someone, I can't remember who, said something really clever, I can't remember what, so Chris says, "You guys are so precocious." Laine shouts from the backseat, "HEY! We're not precocious?! Stop saying that.... Uh what does precocious even mean anyway? Is that even a real word?"

Oh, and the "Do Not Wet The Bed" sign totally works! I think I need to post a few more signs around the house. Like maybe ones that say "Stop Leaving Crap Everywhere" and "Don't Go Outside Naked." Things I never thought I'd actually have to remind them of, but do on a regular basis.


Nikki said...

Aren't parks great? They get all their energy out and WE don't have any mess to clean up after! I'd love to see those signs in someone's house...classic!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty jealous that you had such an awesome sunny memorial day because ours was rained out. I also think that those monkeys are pretty darn cute. (When they aren't being monkeys.) I love you guys and judging by the sunny pictures, I wish I was there.