Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm a Little Embarrassed to Even Have This Sign Up

Warning! What you read below may shock and appall you! Readers with sensitive stomachs, irritable bowels, or who are prone to nausea when exposed to descriptions of childhood bodily functions and the misuse thereof should stop reading now.

Yes, what you are looking at is a picture of the sign that we made in order to help a certain member of our family who is literate, but sometimes incontinent, to remember to get out of bed and onto the potty before peeing first thing in the morning. It's kind of ridiculous that somebody who is clever enough to read signs and follow directions still wets the bed about 25-30% of mornings, but we're hoping that seeing this sign upon awakening will remedy the situation.

The girls were really naughty today, especially Laine. She's just been really defiant and pushing boundaries. We've found that sometimes when the girls get like this, it helps to ask them to perform a skit demonstrating good vs. bad ways to behave toward others. Here they're demonstrating how to act good and happy.
Here's they're showing us an example of the type of wild and crazy behavior that is not tolerated in moving vehicles in the Bradley family, yet somehow seems to occur anyway.

And here is James. He's saying, "Look at me. I'm so perfect! I never do anything naughty. Gagagoogoo. I'm so cute."


James said...

Must be something about the name James that makes them the favorite child. He's gonna grow to resent it, you know.

Nikki said...

What a good idea to have them do skits, I'll have to try it sometime with Marshall. That's funny about the pee sign, good luck!