Monday, May 5, 2008

Eve's Idea of Inspirational Literature

Ramona Quimby has been a long-time favorite heroine at our house. We've read and re-read most of Beverly Cleary's books to our girls, but the scene that delights them the most is the one in "Ramona and her Mother" where Ramona gets immense satisfaction from squeezing out an entire tube of toothpaste into the bathroom sink.
So today, Eve tried it out for herself. Luckily, Laine, being quicker than Beezus, ratted her out before she was able to squeeze the whole tube out. I considered Mrs. Quimby's punishment of saving the toothpaste in a ziplock bag and making only Ramona use it, but the thought of all those germs hanging out and growing in a bag by the bathroom sink sounded too nasty. Instead, we gave her a stern talking-to with the threat of a severe spanking if she every pulled a stunt like that again.


Unknown said...

Oh dear. Another instance of life imitating art I suppose. She looks very repentant :)
We would love to see you guys while you are here, if your schedule permits. Have a great flight! Mad Libs! I'll bet your girls would be great at Mad Libs!

Nikki said...

Happy Mother's Day! It was so good spending time with you guys.