Monday, October 6, 2008

While Laine is at Soccer Practice...

Eve and James are busy having the time of their lives on the playground! Soccer practice is held every Monday afternoon at Laine's elementary school. Over the past few weeks the kids that are at school for the after school program have gotten to know and love James. When we arrived today, about half a dozen 9 year old boys shouted, "James!!!" and ran over to play with him. I would expect that from school aged girls, but it's really funny to see a bunch of boys go gaga over a baby. Eve loves getting playground time too. Some times our new neighbor friends are there and she loves playing with them.
I can occasionally get a glimpse of James peeking through his entourage of 4th graders.
James really likes it when the kids push him in this swing. He giggles and laughs while he rides it.
Behind Eve is the soccer field where Laine plays. Laine was very excited when she came home from school because she got to be "on the news" today. Apparently her school does a little TV broadcast into all the classrooms in the morning and Laine got to to down to the studio and say the pledge of allegiance in front of the whole school today. Way to go, Lainey girl!


Doug said...

The pictures of the kids are way cute. And Laine saying the pledge of allegiance on the class TV?... Wow. I wouldn't be surprised if she did it all from memory. Did she? How does she do on the word "indivisible"?

Anonymous said...

I think Eve is ready to learn how to hug a tree now, a step up from poles.

Patricia said...

Oh my gosh they're so cute! *dying from over exposure to cuteness