Friday, October 17, 2008

This Week Was Packed WIth Fun!

This past week was incredibly busy! We had so much to do. Here's a small sampling of this week's highlights. I took Eve and James to the petting zoo to make up for the fact that Laine got to go on a field trip to a dairy farm. Eve loved feeding the little baby goats. She mostly liked feeding the teeniest ones.Over the weekend, it was Laine's turn to bring home her classroom mascot, Phillipe the Frog. We had a very fun weekend with Phillipe. She immediately introduced him to our other frog, Hoppity-Hop and to the rest of the family.As a special treat, we had a tea party outing on Saturday with the frogs. The girls thought it was great.On Tuesday, I chaperoned on Laine's field trip. While the farmer was explaining to us about how they hook up the cows to a machine to get the milk out, I saw a little light go off in Laine's eyes as she turned excitedly to look at me as if to say, "Hey! Just like you!" Thank goodness her verbal filter is improving and she didn't say it out loud.On Monday, just like every other morning that I'm home, I woke up to the grunty squeal of a baby that wants to nurse. But when I reached around the side of the bed to pick up my baby, it wasn't James. No. It was Maryanne. James's sister, Weeeeb, had changed his clothes and his name. Chris hates it when the girls cross dress James, but I think it's hilarious. Speaking of Weeeeb, her cute comment of the week happened when she appeared to be deep in thought. I asked her what she was thinking about and she gigglingly replied, "I wasn't thinking about anything. Notice how there are no clouds with bubbles over my head?"We ended the busy week with a fall family walk. Don't let the pictures fool you. It was miserable. We only got like 1/8 of a mile away from our house before the fussing got to be too much for me to take and we had to turn around.Lately, James loves to grab a stick and use it like a cane. He looks like such a cute little old man.By the way, this little stinker popped all the keys off the keyboard on my laptop this morning while I was enjoying the unusual peace and quiet while I folded laundry. I was able to fix all of them except for the letter "f". Every time I type "f" it takes me like 10 seconds. Do you think James looks more like his dada?Or his mama? We can't figure it out. Half the people we meet tell us he's the spitting image of Chris, and other people say he's all me.
Hope your week's been good. Enjoy fall while it lasts!


Anonymous said...

I don't know what we'd do without these updates on your darling family. It really does ease my homesickness for all of you. Thanks for keeping your blog up to date.
Love you so much,

Kelly and Joe said...

First of all, your pictures are priceless! And I have seen in those pictures James/MaryAnn looking like both of you, just depends on his expression at the moment.

All your kids are adorably cute and I hope the photos continue!

Oh! On my laptop Jessica did the same things with the buttons. I got all fixed except the 'r'. A total pain in the fanny....

Nic said...

I love your hair, Christie!!! i'm glad Eve didn't fall in the goat pen or anything.


Luke and Kristin Rudelich said...

You Guys...James is a mama's boy. He looks just like his MaMa. Love Ya!

Kirsten said...

Very cute. I love the fall too. Hope yours keeps going well. Pray the snow doesn't come too soon!

Patricia said...

Wow, sooo pretty! I'm jealous, it's starting to rain a bit more here, but today's blue blue sky makes up for it!

katie k hymas said...

okay seriously your kids are too cute and too funny! i think james looks like his mama for sure!

Nikki said...

I love your highlights! And James's vest ;) We have an "f" problem with our keyboard too only it's our "h".