Thursday, December 13, 2007

Missing Mama

This has been a very busy few weeks. We got the old house under contract, picked out a new one, filled out a billion forms, went to inspections, performed repairs, packed boxes, flew across the country, lost our voices, started pre-school, made friends, attended our new ward, worked, read, played, went to the library, saw old friends, made phone calls, booked a moving truck, moved furniture, and prayed that everything would work out.

No wonder we're tired.

Christine has been in Salt Lake all week finalizing the packing and coordinating the move, all with baby James in tow. Good thing he's such a little sweety. The girls and I are staying in Virginia where Laine and Eve are quite enjoying their week of preschool while I go to work. Every day I get there to pick them up and find them dancing or playing or making art from pasta and they yell "Daddy!" and jump up for a super-sized twirling hug. Then we go on outings or eat dinner, then play a little and have a story before bedtime.

For the story, they each get to pick one thing for the story to be about. Invariably, one of them picks a "Princess named.... (insert randomly chosen Disney princess here)" and the other chooses something completely random. Thus we have had the story of "Snow White and the Mean Crocodile", "Sleeping Beauty and the Wicked Stepmother", "Princess Jasmine and the Dragon", and "Cinderella and the Wicked Witch" (I liked that one, Cinderella ended up going to the ball with feet so inflated by a magic spell that she had to wear rowboats for shoes). I think I liked the old days better when they chose to have princesses named "Princess Laine" and "Princess Eve", but I shouldn't complain, at least they are still young enough to think my stories are fun.

In other news, the campaign for literacy is going quite well for both of the girls, but Eve's potty train appears to have been derailed indefinitely. "I'll be a potty train when I am four years old." Bleh, we've got to find a better bribe or something to get that train back on track.

Anyway, we sure miss that beautiful Mama, it will be wonderful to have her back tomorrow.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

:*( Babe, I miss you so much too!!! You are so wonderful. Thank you for updating our blog. I'm so tired and frustrated and can't wait to have this nonsense over with. Kiss the girls for me and tell them I love them. I can't wait to see you tonight. XOXO