Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

Yay! Our first New Year's Eve celebration in our new home! We celebrated with a fondue party. We love living near a Trader Joe's. They have fantastic prices on all sorts of delicious cheeses. We started off with a cheese course featuring the tradition Emmenthaler and Gruyere. The kids weren't such big fans of it and mostly just wanted to eat the dippers by themselves. That was fine with me and Chris because it meant more for us. The kids did enjoy the bubble juice though, and the chocolate dessert fondue went over pretty well, but Eve mostly wanted the fruit and marshmallows plain. The dessert course did end in tears after chocolate was repeatedly dribbled all over the place and we decided the kids had had enough. Laine insisted she wasn't finished and yelled a lot, but they're in bed now (after only two fights tonight). We're pushing their bed time back by an hour starting tomorrow in an effort to stop them from invading our bed at 4 in the morning every day.

Little James is standing tall pretty regularly these days. He's taken some stuttery little steps already while trying to chase after Momma's legs when he stands up holding them and she walks away. We figure he's due to start running marathons any day now.
My (Christine) New Year's resolution is to be greener. I'm a pretty terrible polluter but this year I'm going to try to recycle, reduce, and reuse. For example, I'm only going to allow the kids one bath a day instead of three (barring extreme soiling, of course). We're going to try to reduce meat consumption (Chris hates this idea even though he's the only one in the family that's ever been a strict vegetarian), turn off lights when we're not using them, etc. If your resolution is along these same lines, see for ideas. We wish you a wonderful new year!

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