Friday, December 21, 2007

The adventure never ends

Here's one last picture of our new home before the mountain of boxes and furniture arrived. What a day! So I woke up this morning and let the painter in so that he could hurry and finish the kids bedrooms before our furniture arrived. He was totally amazing. He didn't use so much as an inch of tape and he painted 2 bedrooms quickly and perfectly in about 8 hours between yesterday and this morning and finished just as the moving van drove in. Meanwhile, fate decided that this would be a perfect day for Eve to have a massive ear infection and pink eye. My poor baby girl spent the morning crying her pink and green sticky eyes out while writhing on the floor with a finger in her ear while Chris tried as hard as he could to get her in to see a ped. Everyone had taken an early holiday break, so he ended up taking her to the urgent care facility where he waited 2 and a half hours for the only doc available to write him a prescription for amoxicillin and eye drops. Of course, our insurance cards aren't here yet, so all this is paid for out of pocket for right now including $70 eye drops. SEVENTY bucks for like 4 mls!! That means every time Eve wiggles and I miss, I've wasted like $12. Ironically though, yesterday I got a check in the mail from Jordan Valley Hospital partially refunding me for this ER visit that I had over a year and a half ago when the jerk doc on call wouldn't just phone in a Macrobid prescription for me when I woke up in the middle of a Sunday night with a bloody (I mean that literally, not as a British curse word) UTI and the hospital overcharged me. The amount for the check almost covered the cost of Eve's visit. Kind of funny how some times things all work out in their weird way. Maybe in 2 years from now when we get reimbursed from our insurance for this visit, it'll be enough to cover the current crisis at that time.

Anyway, our house is filled with boxes. I tell ya, professional movers are like the most underpaid people ever. I know they make like $50/hr but for the work they do, that's nothing. This one guy today just hoisted our massive toy chest that Chris made down a flight of stairs like it was a backpack. Amazing! We're trying to figure out how to arrange furniture that used to be in a wide house into a skinny house with limited storage space. Oh, and in the middle of all this, we discovered our dishwasher won't start. It's brand new. We know it works, but we just can't get to turn on. Luckily, our new next door neighbors brought us over dinner which was soooooo nice of them. After dinner, Laine, Eve, and James had a ton of fun playing with all the stuff in their toy box. I don't know why I bothered getting them anything for Christmas. When you haven't seen your old toys for 2 months, they're practically brand new.

Tomorrow: Let the unpacking begin!!!


Jacci Halliday said...

Thanks for dropping me a line. Good luck in Virginia!

Nikki said...

Funny, Steph just left us a comment, too. John went to school with her. Were you a nurse with her?

Anyway, don't hospital bills suck? We still haven't paid the ER bill from when John broke his elbow this summer. Then, today we get the letter (Merry Christmas to us) saying that we were denied for financial assistance. So, all the money we get for Christmas is going to the #$@& ER bill! So, this Christmas basically sucks. And Pippa gave me "leftovers" for Christmas. I am calling you tomorrow to talk, I'll explain then.