Sunday, February 22, 2009

Grandma's Church

Today the kids and I went to church with Grandma and Grandpa. The girls have a tradition of drawing pictures and writing little letters during the boring parts (whenever any grownups are up at the pulpit talking). Today they did some really nice ones that I wanted to share.

Here's Laine's picture of her and James.

This was Laine's letter to me. I'd like to submit this as exhibit #1 in my case to prove that I am in fact the best dad ever.

Eve just hoped you will have a good day.

She also loves you. I think this one was for Grandma.

This one was for Grandma and Granpa, she loves them a lot, as you can see from the size of the lettering.

After church we had some grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. I tried to get James to do the "More Cookies!" chant that he was doing most of the day yesterday, but he didn't go for it. They're still pretty cute though, so enjoy the little show.

As a bonus today, James pronounced his first ever coherent three syllable word during the sacrament service at church: "Sack-err-mint!"


Christine said...

I found a stack of church notes on the bookshelves that I need to blog about too. Those are the cutest.

Patricia said...

Ahhh!! They're so cute and when did they all learn to write so well? I'm still working on that teleportation thing, but so far I'm not getting much farther than about two feet

Love Pemo

Taylor and Natalie Hathcock said...

Those kids of yours are so dang cute! Not to mention so smart!