Once inside, she showed off her very best "I'm a good girl" face for the teachers.
The girls took James by the hand and gave him a tour of the classroom, then sat him down and started teaching him how to count.
He ended up liking the elephant more than the arithmetic lessons.
Once Eve found her cubby and hung up her jacket and school bag, the girls performed an acrobatic spin-hug with a twist. Fortunately, no one was injured.
Finally Eve settled down just before the other students arrived so I could get a quick shot of her with her teachers.
I'm not sure if they believed me when I told them that Eve knew her numbers up to 100 (she claims she can count to a million, I'm not so sure), and that she reads chapter books on her own. I think the other kids in her class are just starting to work on how to open the box of crayons so they can chew on them. She's a bright one, that Evey.
Anyway, here's the discussion of the school day after everyone came home.