Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mom's Orders: NPO

This week, James has been a sick little boy. On Wednesday and Thursday, he spent the day puking his guts out and pooping the stinkiest poops anyone has ever smelled. We've done tons of laundry because he's usually barfed on the bedding or on me. Towards the end of the week, I was averaging 3 showers a day. Well, I got sick of being the target of James's emesis, so I banned him from eating for a while. Later that day, Laine saw James reaching down my shirt, and she said, "James! Why are you trying to sneak a nurse-nurse? You're supposed to be strict NPO!" That's my little nurse in the making. (NPO stands for non per os, latin for nothing by mouth)

Note: Out of courtesy to the reader, no relevant photos have been posted. We will resume posting photos when gastrointestinal health has been restored.

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