Monday, January 28, 2008

Super Heroes

I sometimes wonder if I've let the superhero thing go a little too far with the girls. Their favorite shows are all superhero cartoons. Half the time when I let them pick a book for reading time they bring back one of my Spider-man comic books. They know the names, aliases and powers of all the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, the Justice League, and every hero or villain who appears in the XBox superhero games that we play together. They wake me up in the morning to tell me how they dreamed they had super powers. I regularly hear pretending games that go something like this:

Laine: "Okay, I'll be Storm."
Eve: "And I'll be Jean Gray."
Laine: "Oh no! It's the bad guys!"
Eve: "Let's use our powers!"
Laine and Eve: "bjooo! boom! weeeeooo! zoooooo! pkkkkkkppppppp!"
Laine: "Help! The supervillain got me!"
Eve: "I'll save you!"
Laine and Eve: "bjooo! boom! weeeeooo! zoooooo! pkkkkkkppppppp!"
Laine: "Okay, now I'll save you."
Eve: "Okay."
Laine and Eve: "bjooo! boom! weeeeooo! zoooooo! pkkkkkkppppppp!"
Eve: "Oh no! We have to save our daughters!"
Laine: "Yeah, let's go save our daughters!"

Enter Dad, stage left.

Dad: "Who are your daughters?"
Laine: "Bun and Buntle. We're going to save them using our powers."

Exit Dad, stage right.

Laine and Eve: "bjooo! boom! weeeeooo! zoooooo! pkkkkkkppppppp!"

Just another typical day at the Bradley home. It could be worse, at least they don't like Barney the Dinosaur or Teletubbies or any of the kids shows that would drive me nuts. They're probably the cutest superheroes I know.



Nikki said...

Cute! Maybe you should get them some of the superhero capes from my toy blog!

Christine said...

I think I will get them some superhero capes one of these days. The other cute thing is they've decided that James is "The Amazing Baby." It's really funny. Often, they'll address him by his full title. If he starts to cry, they'll say, "Awww what's wrong, The Amazing Baby?"