Monday, June 2, 2008

Update: I think it's all under control now, plus James is a gross little boy

After several days of airing out, baking soda treatments, Febreze, Oust, and running the AC non-stop to dehumidify the air, I believe we have finally conquered the mildew stench that came from the great bathtub adventure in the middle of the downstairs family room. The little clowns seem to have learned their lesson since we haven't seen any new swimming pools on the floor for a few days.

James has found some new favorite and gross toys: the toilet and the insoles of my shoes. We have to keep all the bathroom doors shut because James likes to sneak away and play splashing games in the toilet bowl. James has been spending a lot of time in just his diaper lately since I gave up redressing him every time one of the girls leaves the bathroom door open. Every day for the last week or so when I go to put on my shoes I have to look around for my insoles, which are usually within a few feet of my shoes. I tell James "No!" in a very stern voice, but when I turn around, there he is, poking his little hand into my shoe and pulling out the ol' Dr. Shoals. Today I'm lopsided, because one of them disappeared completely. I just hope doesn't start combining the two new interests.


Christine said...

Oh yuck, I know I hate it when James plays in the toilet! I'm almost tempted to get those dumb gadgets that you see in the One Step Ahead catalog (a source of great amusement for me, since I'm a non-paranoid anti-child-proofing sort of parent) that you can clamp on your toilet to keep kids from opening the lid.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I can imagine how much fun that was walking around with only one insole. Did you ever find it or did it find its way down the toilet?
Love, mom/grandma

Allison said...

Nothing like stinky foot juice when you are craving something salty. Little James has quite a palate.

I got the dresses my girls were wearing in that pic from Old Navy.