Sunday, August 16, 2009

In case you didn't know...

There are a few things you should be aware of about the boys in the family. The first thing you should know is that I am the best cook ever. In case you don't believe that, Eve went ahead and made a sign for us to put up in the kitchen to let everyone know.

The second thing you should probably be aware of is that James happens to be the cutest sleeper in the world. He's a very busy little guy and sometimes he just gets so tired he needs to sack out on the couch with a pillow for a blanket.

The third thing you should know is that James at age two knows more about picking up girls than most guys learn in a lifetime. Check the video, you'll see him captivate three older women using nothing more than his charm and acrobatic abilities.


Unknown said...

Maybe James can give you lessons on how to pick up chicks when you're ready.

Christian said...

I sure hope so, he's a smooth operator.