Sunday, July 26, 2009

One More Month Till School

Another week has flown by at the Bradley household. I spent half the week in Virginia on business, which the kids didn't seem to mind because it meant they got to have another fun slumber party over at Hamoni's house. They were especially glad about that since their Pemo is back in town and living over there these days. The girls had a ball and I suspect James had so much fun he didn't sleep at all, he was a very tired boy when he got back in any case. The girls are still enjoying their summer routine of playdates with their cousins and long happy hours of reading in the hammock or playing at the pool.

Here are the kids piled up on the chair in the front room:

And James likes to carry books and sometimes pretend to read them.

They're about the happiest little monkeys I know, and I love that I have a job that allows me to spend so much time with them. I am looking forward to the start of school again next month, not that I don't love every minute with my little buddies, but it will make my life quite a bit simpler to have two of them off learning things for a good chunk of the day. Laine will be starting first grade and Eve will go back to Challenger for a daily afternoon serving of pre-K goodness.

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