Thursday, June 18, 2009

Return of the Blog-Slacker

Sorry for the long hiatus, it's been a very busy couple of months. In the time since I last wrote: Laine turned 6, school ended, summer started, Laine learned to ride a bike, Laine and Eve started swimming lessons, James stomped around the house in my shoes, Laine started Kung Fu, all the kids had fun with all their cousins, Habojee and Nemo left on trips to Europe, my brother finally came over to the dark side of the force and agreed to come work at my company, the kids started a new system of making their beds and earning nickels for their piggybanks, I went to Virginia twice for work, Christine came to Salt Lake once for Laine's birthday, we ate, we worked, we played, we slept, I watched several cooking shows and played some video games, the girls made some new friends, James grinned and laughed a lot, and life generally moved on. I'm just going to dump a bunch of pictures and some videos, sorry if they're out of order or not well explained, I'm just proud of myself for finally putting up another blog entry.


Silvia said...

wow sounds like you've been busy as heck! I'm hoping to see Christine when I go out to DC at the end of the month. The kids look adorable!

Doug said...

Hey Laine...
I'm super glad to see how well you can ride the bike now. WOW!

Hey Eve...
You made a very beautiful piggy bank.

Hey James...
You've got a killer smile.

Love, Habojee

Christine said...


I adore your piggy banks. You all are so cute and wonderful.
