Monday, April 20, 2009

He's Two Now

The little man of the family had a big day recently, he is now officially big enough to use more than one finger when he tells people his age. This presents a little bit of a challenge for him, since he seems to only be able to show one, three, or four fingers at a time, but hasn't gotten the hang of holding down the right number of fingers for two. So he usually announces "TWO!" while holding up three or four fingers when someone asks his age.

We spent most of the day for his birthday down at the Gateway. First we ate lunch at the Dodo restaurant where James had an awesome blueberry cake for his dessert.

Then we headed over to the Children's Museum where James had the most fun of his whole little life.

We finished the outing off with some really good cookies and milk, then James thought it would be a really good idea to run out into the fountains and get himself drenched to cool off from the sweltering 50 degree weather. I carried the shivering boy back to the car as he murmured "Fountain get me! Fountain get me!" over and over.


Christine said...

You'll always be my baby, James!

Patricia said...

awwwwwww... you're all so cute! I'm glad it was such a blast!

love Pemo <3

Kelly and Joe said...

Those fountains are the best! You did great with the outing and the pics, Chris!